This article presents the main rules and a few examples concerning the use of demonstrative and indefinite adjectives and pronouns.

Demonstrative pronouns Rule Examples
This, these

(Questo/a, questi/e)


This, these

to indicate what is near to the speaker


– I love this T-shirt.

– We have these dvds


that, those

(Quello/a, quei/quelle)


that, those

to indicate what is far from the speaker


– Do you like that flower?

– Those trousers are green.


One, ones


One, ones

One is used to indicate a singular noun

Ones is used to indicate a plural noun


– I’ve brought a present for everyone.

– Which ones are your copybooks?

Indefinite pronouns Rule Examples

Some, any

(alcuno/i, qualche)


Indefinite pronouns can be simple or compound

Some is used in affirmative sentences.

Any is used in negative and interrogative sentences.


– I’d like some sugar, please.


– Have you got any milk in the fridge?



Someone, somebody, anybody, nobody, no one, everyone, something, anything, everything, nothing



No one, Nobody, nothing are used in affirmative sentences.


– I knocked on the door but nothing happened.

– Nobody knows when he will come.

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns