“At”, “in” and “on”. “At” is used to indicate time, meals or festivities. “In” is used to indicate a year, a month or a season. It is also used to indicate parts of the day. “On” is used with the days of the week , festivity days, or in expressions referring to parts of the day ( such as “on Tuesday afternoon” or similar).

Prepositions of time Use Examples
AT Time (10 o’ clock….)

Meals (luchtime, breakfast,…)

Festivities (Christmas, Easter)

Weekend (At the weekends)

Let’s meet at 2 p.m.

Will you come at dinnertime?

We’re going to celebrate his birthday at Easter.

Do you usually sleep at the weekends?

IN Centuries (20th century, …)

Historical periods (The Reinassance,..)

Years (in 1945, …)

Months (in November,…)

Seasons (in winter, …)

Parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, ecc..) but “at night”

England was invaded by the Normans in the eleventh century.

In the Middle Ages life was very short.

In 2006 Italy won the soccer world cup.

Halloween is celebrated in October.

The English countryside is beautiful in spring.

In the morning I walk the dog out.

ON Dates (on September 1st, …)

Days of the week (on Thursday,..)

Days of festivity (On New Year’s Eve,…)

Parts of the day (On Monday morning,…)

Al Queda attack was carried out on September 11th.

On Thursdays I have guitar practice.

On Christmas day I celebrate with my family.

On Sunday mornings I always get up late.


Prepositions of time