The present continuous is used in English to indicate an action that is taking place at the time of speaking. It is formed by the verb be in the present tense and the base form of the verb + -ing. It is often accompanied by adverbs and expressions of time such as now, at the moment, or today, these days, this year and so on when the speaker wants to point out a fact that is not habitual.

Subject BE Base Form+ -ing Examples
I am study+ -ing I’m studying maths now
You are speak+ -ing You’re speaking clearly
He/She/It is play+ -ing She’s playing cards at the moment
We are sleep+ -ing We’re sleeping in a tent tonight
You are watch+ -ing You’re watching your favourite tv programme
They are sing+ -ing They’re singing with the band

You can also use the present continuous if you want to point out that at a certain period of time (today, these days, this week, this month, etc..) you’re doing something that is not usual and you’re in the middle of doing it.

  • I’m studying late this week
  • We’re going out early in themorning these days
  • They’re paying on time this month


Present Continuous