The future in English can be expressed in various ways. The future simple is formed by will + base form:

  • I’ll go back home right now
  • Next year they’ll be in Australia
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative Examples
I’ll write I won’t write Will I write? Won’t you write? Won’t you write a letter to her?
You’ll drive You won’t drive Will you drive? Won’t you drive? You’ll drive a car soon
He’ll play He won’t play Will he play Won’t he play? Will he play cards with his friends?
We/You/They’ll read We/You/They’ll read Will we/you/they read? Won’t we/you/they read? They’ll read the book 

The contracted forms are ‘ll in the affirmative and won’t in the negative.

The form be going to + base form is used to express future intentions, things that the subject has decided to do.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative Examples
I’m going to buy I’m not going to buy Am I goign to buy? Am I not going to buy? I’m not going to buy that shirt. It’s too expensive.
We’re going to sell our car We aren’t going to sell our car Are you going to sell your car? Aren’t you going to sell your car? We’re going to sell our car before the end of the month
They’re going to help They aren’t going to help Are they going to help? Aren’t you going to help? They aren’t going to help the other students 
Future time (will and going to)