A lot of idioms in English are expressed with the verb “take”. Let’s see and learn how and when to use them.


Idioms Translation Meaning
Take place Accadere, avere luogo When did the accident take place?
Take your time Prenditela comoda Take your time. Don’t be in a rush!
Take forever (a very long time)  Ci vuole un sacco di tempo  It takes forever to load these files
Take effect  Avere effetto  The pain killer should take effect soon
Take sides  Non prendere posizione  Don’t take sides without understanding the issue
Take care  Prenditi cura di te  Take care, look after yourself
Take note Notare, prestare attenzione  Did you take note of how she looked at me?
Take charge of Prendere il controllo You need to take charge of your life
Idioms with “take”